Dituel Ltd


Analytical work

Many people and companies believe that the start of work on a new program starts from the time when programmers sit in front of computers and begin to create the application. Nothing could be more wrong ! Software development is one of those areas where it is particularly needed for problem analysis and planning .


It is easy to spend thousands or even millions of dollars on programs that will hardly meet the needs of the company. More difficult to accurately determine the needs and costs , so that the money spent on the purchase of software quickly turned . 

We can help you in this . 


We offer our services related to : 

  •     analysis of your needs for the purchase and implementation of computer software,
  •     analysis of the functional requirements of software
  •    analysis of business processes (activities, operations ) in your company and their reflection in the programs that they want to order ,
  •     creating documentation of standard UML 2.0.


The result of the analytical work is always knowledge . Knowledge about your needs and expectations . The knowledge which will allow you to make the best decision . As a result of the analysis produced a document that using established techniques and standards describes the result together with the conclusions and diagrams.

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